I am a daughter, mother, wife and grandmother who is qualified in Holistic Therapy, Hypnotherapy with Counselling Skill’s and Hypnotherapy Past Life Regression.
How did I get there? From as far back as I can remember I have had a connection to the spirit world. It was not until my early twenties that I was introduced to a medium that encouraged my spiritual development; from there, the next few years were spent looking for ways to develop even further. While on this incredible journey I met and worked with some great believers and knowledgeable teachers, over the last twenty seven years I have used the knowledge they taught me and I am now working as a spiritual developer, teaching others on their spiritual journey.
The name ‘Psychic Hare’ is derived from the fact I have always known I had a psychic ability and my great love for hares. For me, they identify with rebirth, intuition and balance. I feel that having a hare as an ally will always help me to negotiate change, lead me to draw on my intuition, and guide me through life to help others.
Helen Page
Spiritual Developer
IIHHT Diplomas in Holistic Therapy, Colour Therapy, Crystal Therapy

Over the last twenty seven years I have gathered knowledge in many different ways; from experience, from guides, helpers, workers and believers and have put that knowledge to good use by running successful development groups, workshops, spiritual events, giving reading, cleansing houses and healing the mind, body and soul. I have done a lot of research to enhance my knowledge and to help this research I completed a module in Transpersonal Psychology. In the process to this we built the log cabin so there would be a place to bring all this knowledge and a loving environment to work with it.